Who are we?

As interior decorators and builders of eco-friendly homes, we began by specialising in environmental therapy (geobiology and Feng Shui), before extending our skills to the human side by offering energy treatments. We've made your well-being a priority, and it's with this in mind that we've created L'Écolieu - La Bernarde in Dompnac, dedicated to accommodation, rejuvenation and sharing. Drawing on our wealth of personal and professional experience, we'll be able to support you on a variety of levels and according to your needs.

"Little fairy of beauty

Julie enhances your home and workspace. She creates a harmonious, aesthetically pleasing environment in which you can flourish and shine. Her holistic approach is not limited to places, but also extends to people; to their physical and subtle bodies, in particular with Draining Care - Lymphatic Harmonisation. Take care of your "inner home", take care of yourself.
Retrouvez-moi à l’écran…
ICI Je désire vous accompagner dans votre projet privé et professionnel, et ce, depuis l’achat (optimisation et personnalisation) jusqu’à la vente (home-staging). Je distille ICI mes conseils en décoration pour révèler et sublimer votre intérieur. ICI Je vous invite à oser, j’aime vous surprendre et voir vos yeux pétiller de satisfaction ! Les ambiances que je crée sont vibrantes et singulières. Elles se démarquent par différents aspects ICI.

"Living craftsman

A craftsman working with living things in all their forms, Damien developed a passion for ecological construction at a very early age, and soon made it his profession. Officially an energy analyst and therapist since 2019, he is committed to a humanist approach based on sharing and transmission.
Our values

Driven by a set of ethical values, our eco-environment concept is based on 4 key principles.

As this lifestyle is based mainly on ecological energy and food resources, we aspire to be self-sufficient and to share this with our visitors.

Faced with the urgent need to protect the environment, we have chosen not to participate in the waste of resources and the continual pollution of the environment. For example, we have used natural, renewable or recycled materials in our construction. We obviously favour local materials, especially wood. We recover rainwater and have introduced a plant-based sanitation system. Eventually, the buildings will be equipped with autonomous, eco-responsible energy production systems, including solar panels.

Changing the way we consume goes hand in hand with the desire to get out of the ecological crisis. We are working to promote degrowth with the aim of putting an end to mass production, which is harmful to our planet and its inhabitants. For us, this means
- agroecology ;
- permaculture;
- mutual support ;
- exchange of services ;
- bartering
What's more, we stop over-consuming and make do with the essentials.

In addition to these 3 main areas, we could undoubtedly add conviviality. A model based on shared values, transmission and mutual support naturally encourages the sharing of warm moments. This is what we want to develop by offering workshops, seminars and retreats focused on well-being and personal fulfilment.
Becoming a "Living Craftsman" means finding the fluidity between yourself and the world, between your deepest aspirations and the reality that surrounds you. It means taking concrete action within yourself and in the world, individually and collectively.
It means rediscovering the simplicity of being a creator in the service of life.