"Your body is precious. It is your vehicle for awakening. Take care of it."
Support and care
We are both trained in the tools of care and support and have extensive personal and professional experience.
We can guide you in a number of ways, depending on your needs.

Energy treatments

Bio Psycho-Synergy
Rate : 50€ – 1h00
We offer an energetic session using the analytical and humanist concept of Archetypal Therapy.
This therapy uses universal, timeless and polarised archetypes to identify problems and their associated resources. The aim is to move from problem to resource, from shadow to light, by triggering an archetypal dynamic.
This holistic approach promotes health for body and mind. What's more, this therapy is quantum and aims to free your personal life experiences, as well as those of your past and future lineages, beyond time.
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- An interview:
You explain the reason for your discomfort. It could be physical, relational or something more abstract such as negative emotions.
We analyse your history to identify, clarify, eliminate, reinforce and understand guilt.
You become more aware and start to think differently. You are free of beliefs, loyalties and misunderstandings, and activate your resources to change the emotional influences that are stored in your body.
- A Bio Psycho-Synergy treatment:
We work energetically with precise gestures on different parts of the body.
We sense blockages and emotional charges in your energy system.
We liberate, balance, heal, realign and harmonise by magnetising the physical body to reach the various subtle bodies.
The cellular memory is unlocked by deprogramming and subsequent reprogramming in a positive anchorage. - Time for discussion:
We talk about your feelings, your awareness, your emotions and your sensations.
We take stock of the progress made during the session and the avenues to be explored to continue your personal journey.
Together we set the objectives for the next session.
To support you when you are ill or have other symptoms.
To understand and respond to your feelings.
To integrate and overcome painful experiences.
To resolve past and present conflicts and obstacles.
You want to become more aware of yourself and discover the impact of past emotional influences, mysteries, the unspoken, the weight of your lineage and the collective unconscious on your actions and reactions.
You need a different approach - analytical and empathic listening - that allows you to revisit our story in a safe and confidential environment.
Any stage of life that causes discomfort.
Difficult stages of change: childbirth, labour, abortion, miscarriage, puberty, unemployment, nervous breakdown, divorce, bereavement... When reactions and actions are not in harmony, in the anniversary period, cleansing the past and reprogramming for the year to come...
For everyone. Infants, Children, Teenagers, Adults, Older people, Pregnant women

The Lahochi
Rate : 40€ – 1h00
Lahochi is an energy healing technique transmitted by the laying on of hands. Lahochi enables a deeper understanding of oneself and one's life path, making universal vital energy available to oneself and to others. Some people consider LaHoChi to be a form of Reiki, but the energy and hand positions are different.
Lahochi: The 'la' sound in Lahochi means light, love and wisdom.
The "ho" sound refers to the movement of this energy.
The sound 'chi' refers to energy, the vital force.
LaHoChi can be used alone or in combination with other methods. It helps to restructure and balance the subtle bodies of the being, especially where there has been emotional trauma. LaHoChi can move energy to where it is needed and use it to benefit the earth, people, animals and plants.
Draining Emotional Body Care
Rate : 80€ – 2h00
The result of the research and experience of Bernard Chaumeil, who passed on the teaching to Marie-Claire Rabaud, with whom we trained, the draining treatment of the emotional body differs from classic lymphatic drainage in its openness to a holistic dimension (soma / psyche) and in its application. It works on the circulatory, lymphatic and energy systems. This massage is performed directly on the skin with bare hands, without the use of oils, using very gentle touches, slow rhythms and light pressure. Every part of your body is stimulated, from the top of your head to your toes.

It is the fluid that nourishes our cells and bathes our organs. It helps repair tissues. It is involved in immune defence. It transports cellular waste and is our body's "great cleanser".
It gently releases the emotions stored in the body without being overwhelmed by them. Its harmonising properties bring great relaxation to stressed individuals and energise the listless.
It helps regulate the endocrine glands, the "guardians of the immune system", making it ideal for use at all stages of hormonal imbalance, including puberty, the menopause and illness.
It is a regenerating and healing treatment because it eliminates toxins and provides the cells with the nutrients they need to regenerate (by stimulating the lymph nodes and activating lymph flow throughout the body).
Particularly recommended for the pre- and post-operative stages. It is very popular with pregnant women as it relieves congestion.
It also provides a good connection with the foetus. The gentleness of this treatment allows those who have difficulties in their relationship with their body to reconcile with it. True healing takes place, and they are able to love their bodies again and reconnect with previously forgotten sensations.
It stimulates blood and lymph circulation, decongests tissues and is a real ally when it comes to weight loss. By irrigating the joints, lymph relieves and eliminates the toxins that prevent full mobility of the limbs.
The 2-hour session, which includes an hour-and-a-half massage, begins with a consultation to determine the direction of treatment.
– Prix unitaire : 80 €
For best results, we recommend the following procedure:
1 treatment a week for 3 weeks, then monthly treatment for 3 months, then maintenance treatment every 6 months.
– Forfait soins 6 séances : 230€

Le Massage Intuitif
Rate : 60€ – 1h00
Basé sur l’intuition du thérapeute, le massage intuitif utilise une approche personnalisée pour répondre aux besoins individuels de chaque personne. Affranchie d’un schéma préétabli, Julie adapte ses mouvements en fonction de ce qu’elle ressent dans les tissus et les muscles avec pour objectif : la relaxation et le bien-être de la personne recevant le soin. À l’écoute de votre corps et de ses besoins, cette approche permet de se remettre en lien avec son enveloppe corporelle et ses sensations par des gestes doux. Associé à une huile végétale biologique de sésame, le massage intuitif participe à la régulation du système nerveux et au relâchement des tensions. Ce soin est une véritable invitation à la détente et au bien-être au travers du toucher empathique empreint de bienveillance.

Archetypal Tarot Guidance
Rate : 30€ – 1h00
Designed by Bernard Chaumeil as a symbolic illustration of his concept of Archetypal Therapy, the Tarot des Archetypes can be used for a personal draw or a group draw, for adults and children, to clarify a situation.

Your draw, followed by our analysis, allows us to explore your history. A strategy is then devised to resolve your current problems, leading to positive development for you and those around you.
Lift doubts, make decisions, unblock a situation, confirm your decision, deal with repetitive negative situations, see your life beyond your current vision, find out more about yourself and your history.
You're overwhelmed by your situation, you feel helpless, you're exhausted, you can't see any solution, you don't understand the situation you're in, your emotions and reactions are having a negative impact on your daily life.
1 hour private session You tell me about your current problem We analyse the print run together We suggest methods, actions to be taken and ways of thinking about it
You are clear about your past and present history You understand your situation You can shape your life in the short and long term You are able to understand your situation You regain confidence in your potential
You'll find it soothing.

Laughter Yoga
Rate on request depending on the group constituted - 1h00
Laughter yoga is an excellent exercise that has a positive impact on your body, mind and emotions. Its "health" benefits are unanimously acclaimed by the medical community. Laughter Yoga is renowned for its ability to create a sense of complete well-being in its practitioners, both individuals and professionals, even beginners.
Rate : x€ – 1h00
Personalised support and group workshops to learn how to use your resources to stimulate vital energy according to the laws of Life. Discover the main principles of human physiology at the crossroads of autonomy and full cellular health. Production of vitality juices and application of the law of hormesis: hot baths, cold baths, food and crusine (raw cooking), intermittent fasting, breathing techniques. All tailored to your own needs. These will be identified together, thanks in particular to a preliminary medical history.
Hormesis is a wonderful biological principle that allows us all to naturally improve our body's function, strength, resistance and immunity. First of all, please understand that this is not a challenge or a competition, nor is it a record to be achieved.
Putting hormesis into practice simply means waiting for your personal limits to be reached, stepping out of your comfort zone for a short time, and then recovering with a rest period. As soon as you reach your limits, your body will strengthen itself to adapt to them. The next time, you'll go further and your capacities will evolve even further. You'll feel your vital force improving.
The first thing is to find your own stress threshold, which you need to approach to create hormesis but without exceeding.
Exposing the body to intense, unusual but short-term stress, followed by a period of rest and recovery, makes it stronger, more adaptable and more resilient the next time. Hot baths, cold baths, intermittent fasting: the benefits are numerous!
Exposure to cold and heat: some people take an ice bath for 3 minutes, while others shower in cold water, or start with their legs for 30 seconds. The same goes for hot baths.
Fasting: some people skip just one meal (intermittent fasting), others don't eat for several days.
- Activation of DNA repair functions.
- Increased production of chaperone proteins (these proteins help, for example, to ensure the correct conformation of other proteins useful to the body's functioning).
- Mitochondrial repair mechanisms, such as the generation of new mitochondria and the elimination of damaged ones (mitophagy), can be stimulated to maintain optimal mitochondrial function.
- Increased vagus nerve activity: the parasympathetic (or vagal) system is toned up, and as a result, all repair/regeneration, manufacturing and digestion functions...
- Increase in hormone production (cortisol, adrenalin, growth hormone, thyroid hormones, testosterone, oestrogen (varying according to the types of stress involved).
To be defined. One-off workshops on request.

Start laughter yoga at your own pace, whatever your age or level. The method is now accessible to everyone, and is winning over more and more beginners.
With laughter yoga, you have access to a complete resource to fell better.
It's a great way to develop an overall sense of well-being that goes beyond just health benefits. Ideal for developing new, dynamic and positive skills.
The practice of laughter yoga has been scientifically proven to prolong life and combat stress-related illnesses. The risk of mental and physiological disorders, high blood pressure and heart disease is reduced. Better still, it brings dynamism and optimism, encouraging everyone to take a better approach to life in general. It's also a path to happiness, enabling you to cultivate a positive attitude to coping with the ups and downs of everyday life.
Technically, laughter yoga is a judicious combination of laughter for no reason and deep breathing (prana). Anyone can laugh in this way, without resorting to humour or jokes. The emphasis is on simple laughter, initially approached as a bodily exercise, in a group, which will quickly transform into real, contagious laughter. The concept is based on a scientific fact demonstrated by neuroscience: "the body doesn't know the difference between spontaneous laughter and simulated laughter". The physiological and psychological benefits are far greater!
In the form of weekly group sessions and/or one-off workshops, (TO BE DEFINED) laughter, as we practise it, is a wonderful energy for all those who want to bring a real 'plus' to their lives and those around them.